Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Civil 3D 2014 custom command : PENHload

Using custom command PENHload a Point East North Height file is loaded. Delimiter can be comma, space, tab. The code i wrote is smart enough to find itself what the delimiter is without asking for it. It can also be a GSI 8 or 16 file!
After loading it is possible to draw...
all points
all serial lines or 2D or 3D polylines from one point to another
point ids
point elevations
and more
But the best of all is that the point ids can be drawn in what ever user current view in what ever rotated view beside the reference point. So if you have a 3D plan of an abutment it is very helpfull to print all the points to stakeout in 3D view with there ids next to them fully readable.


Saturday, 4 October 2014

Civil 3D 2014 custom subassembly : Two target line

2017.01.11 update

This subassembly creates a link between two points.
Those points can be entered using dX,dY or by selecting offset and/or elevation targets.
User has also the option to select a point to use as a pivot and superelevation for the height of the other point. If Superelevation to use is set to none then default grade is used. In this case Grade is side free and its sign is always considered from left to right.
Points and link codes can be entered from the user.


Civil 3D 2014 custom subassembly : DitchWall

2017.01.11 update

This is a subassembly for a very special case of a ditch that works like a retaining wall with heels!


Civil 3D 2014 custom subassembly : Ditch

2017.01.11 update

This is a subassembly for a special kind of ditches.


Civil 3D 2014 custom command : Profile export and import

Some times there is need to export a profile and reenter it to another alignment which may differ to start and end stations.
Command PrfExp exports it and PrfImp imports it.

Civil 3D 2014 custom command : Profile fit

Sometimes profile does not exactly fit to alignment so there might be elevation problems with some cross sections.
Using command PrfFit then if profile is shorter than alignment it automatically fits. If longer nothing happens.