Saturday, 1 November 2014

Custom Windows desktop software x64 : TGO report file manipulation

Trimble Geo Office report files contain data that is difficult to use.
Each cross section contains various points.
If you want to draw them as continuous lines then you have to do this by joining points one by one.

My solution...
It is quite easy for an Excel user to get rid of useless data and create a simple text file with PENH data.
With my Civil 3D 2014 custom command PENH2SO the file can be converted to an extended one with station and offset for each point.
Finally this file can give as many files as needed. Every point next to axis is added to a unique file.
L01 for the first left point next to axis for each cross section ordered by ascending station, L02 for the second one...R01 for the first right ones, R02 for the second...X for the axis.
If there is a break then a new file is created, eg L0101,L0102...
From within Civil 3D  using my custom command PENHLOAD each line in seerate file can be drawn.

It does not run from within Civil 3D but from the Windows desktop. The program must be downloaded with the addition of the below following DLL to the same location.

Main program
Required DLL

Civil 3D 2014 custom command : Point East North Elevation file to Station and offset and surface elevation

With custom command PENH2SOE a file with Point East North Elevation data with a comma, space or tab delimiter can be loaded. The user selects a reference alignment and a file with PENHSO extension is created. It contains the above data extended with points' station and offset.
With custom command PENH2AS a similar file can be loaded. But the user can optionally select a surface to get an additional output extension, the surface elevation. File extension is PENH2AS.


Civil 3D 2014 custom subassembly : Double drainage broken back

2017.01.11 link update

With this subassembly it is possible to enter a double drainage broken back ending to axis or earthworks level or to a user selected offset or to an earthworks slope.
Drainage grade minimum set to 4%.
Inside and outside endings can be NJB (or similar) horizontal level with slope, earthworks slope or user selected distance from asphalt limit line.
Drainage backs, asphalt limit lines, earthwork hinges, NJB level hinges and point on earthwork slopes can be entered numerically or by offset target.

NJB inside, earthworks and drainage cut to axis
Steep cut slope outside, drainage ends to it

Same case inside but grade is to steep so there is a drainage-earthwork levels intersection.
Fill slope outside.

Same case inside but no axis cut.

Outside end to user selected offset (eg retaining wall)

Same case with above but reversed grade

Same case with above but limited to axis

Double drainage broken back