When exporting a surface nomatter what method is used to create it (links or feature lines) in case other points with obviously different point codes exist over the points with codes that create the surface then Trimble Link Road Export creates Template Records with points named with the name of the most top Civil 3D point code name.
Say exporting a datum surface. If used a subassembly eg LaneOutside then it does export the correct points Crown_Subbase,ETW_Subbase offset and elevation but with the code names Crown and ETW!!!
The only way to bypass it is to uncheck the future lines of the unwanted codes.
But this is a problem in case those codes create another surface! You must delete the surface not just uncheck it.
Say exporting a datum surface. If used a subassembly eg LaneOutside then it does export the correct points Crown_Subbase,ETW_Subbase offset and elevation but with the code names Crown and ETW!!!
The only way to bypass it is to uncheck the future lines of the unwanted codes.
But this is a problem in case those codes create another surface! You must delete the surface not just uncheck it.