Monday, 5 December 2016

Trimble TGO GPS site calibrations tips (1)

In order to manipulate Trimble GPS calibrations using TGO it is absolutely critical to keep original controller's JOB containing the on site GPS measurements for calibrations.
Or else only a point to point (*.csv, *.txt) transformation is possible.

TGO does not import a job other from controller. So copying a job to another media is useless!
eg It is not possible to import it from a desktop backup! But this backup should exist so that it can be copied back to controller and import it from there!

Civil 3D custom subassemblies created with previous versions of SAC may not work as expected when imported to later C3D versions

Custom subassemblies created with previous versions of SAC may not work as expected when imported to new c3d versions (although if already in a drawing of a previous c3d version will work fine when opened with later version!).
I met such a case. All previous version subassemblies worked fine except one! Worked fine when opening a previous version dwg file already containing it. But did not work if imported from scratch to a later C3D version!

Friday, 7 October 2016

Civil 3D corridor export feature lines tip : Baseline Profile layer locked

I have used Corridor feature lines export to Polylines, Alignments with profiles and Profiles lots of times.
But this time nothing worked right. All elevations were not absolute but relative to baseline profile not matter what trick i tried.
Finally i found out that if profile baseline layer is locked then all elevations exported, no matter what method used, are relative to this profile, not absolute!

Not as single mention in C3D help. Not a single relative result in Google Search. Am i the first one to fall into this situation ? I do not think so.
Should autodesk warn users about this behaviour ?

Thanks God, i found that just one step before losing my mind and only after several hours stall!
So the damage is done. Other partners, that do not know anything about C3D, think that i am too slow and that simple projects are difficult for me. Yeah...if you say so...


Leica vs Trimble software support

Trimble has published its Civil 3D 2017 export/import set of applications since the first days autodesk announced it.
September ends and Leica has not published its X-Change sets of applications although there are already Infrastructure and Building Links for 2017 editions months ago.

Saturday, 9 July 2016

Yet another Civil 3D major bug (and a minor one) : Assembly properties​...get value from...end elevation (not getting it)

I really can not understand how is it possible for such a bug to exist after so many years and so many users.

Assembly properties​...get value from...end elevation (not getting it)

07-08-2016 11:51 PM 

I create an assembly with a subassembly that is capable of getting value from a "Target elevation" (eg LinkSlopeToSurface) when in "Assembly properties>Construction>Input values". In Parameter reference i check the "Use" next to "Target elevation". I select a "xxx.End elevation".
Elevation applied is wrong. It is the default constant value of the eg LinkSlopeToSurface.
If i change the target to "xxx.Begin elevation" the correct elevation is apllied.
This happens to what ever subassembly can get a "Target elevation".
My conclusion. "xxx.End elevation" property is not exposed.

This also takes place when using my custom SAC subassemblies and i almost got crazy trying to find the bug in my coding.

Three notices.

The good one.
Having opened both assembly properties and cross sections window when changing the get value target there is an immediate response to the graphics at the cross sections window without rebuilding corridor although corridor at toolspace is marked as needing rebuild !!!

Althought graphics response to this property value change is immediate, when changing a subassembly name, the "Get value from" is not immediately informed and the old name is used. User must close and reopen "Assembly properties".

The bad one.
The rule is that property values among different subassembly groups are not exposed.
Group eg B cannot see group A values. BUT if names of subassemblies are identical the property values exposed are the ones of the first whatever group!!! The rule is not applied in this case!!! Leak it is. A serious mistake can take place.
I think this is a logical mistake that the Development Team should take care off.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

MS Visual Studio NET : Civil 3D and custom references copied local

There is no need for Civil 3D DLL references to be copied local and they should not be.
But other custom DLLs, that are referenced by custom Civil 3D DLL, should be.
Or else when in Civil 3D custom Civil 3D DLL is loaded but no command is executed.
A Line Editor message informs that command is unkonwn !!!

About 64 bit debugging and Edit & continue...


Civil 3D net Corridor Baseline Regions getting Applied Assemblies tip

Each corridor baseline region has its own applied assemblies. One for each corridor section.
I thought that all of them point to the same assembly. So i always used to get only the zero index one.
Each baseline first region zero index applied assembly always exposed the correct assembly.
But i noticed some of the rest were wrong.
I found the reason.
If a region has the same starting station with the previous one ending station (up to 2mm difference) then the first applied assembly, the zero indexed, points to the one of the previous region!!!
So i had to check the items.count of applied assemblies. If more than one then i get the index 1.

Notice : C3D 2012 API did not expose the Region Name. C3D 2016 API does expose it. It was time for the autodesk to do it. So simple.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Civil 3D custom assemblies migration

I exported my custom assemblies palettes.
I imported them to another machine.
I tried to enter them in a drawing. Nothing happened. Not a single message.

I found that custom assemblies are nothing else but drawings that include the assembly exported!

Palette xml code points to the AECCCONTENT_DIR of the current Civil 3D version where those drawings are stored.

So those drawings must be manually copied to the other machine or to the other AECCCONTENT_DIR .

A typical location of AECCCONTENT_DIR is set to directory C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2016\enu\Assemblies\ ...

Damn! Too many actions for machine migration and even worse when version migration.

Monday, 29 February 2016

Civil 3D custom objects export to autocad not exported. Two cases.

Case 1 : object is set on a layer that is frozen.
Civil 3D custom objects layers should be turned on and thawed so that they are exported to common autocad objects.
So custom model views that work with layers frozen are a problem.

Case 2 : object style has different visibility behaviour among plan,model,profile or section view
If for example a surface is presented through a style that triangles are off for plan view and visible for 3D view then if export takes place when in plan view triangles will not be exported.

Monday, 15 February 2016

Civil 3D alignment with profiles export to a Leica or Trimble sensor

When in Civil 3D there might be a case an alignment with a profile (no cross sections) must be exported.

There are two ways to export it.

Civil 3D LandXML
This is the quickest way to export. Select the desired profile and export it as LandXML. Not native format as RXL but it works fine.
Multiple alignments can be exported within a single LandXML file but when running Roads on controller user will be prompted to select the desired alignment. I have not tested it for alignment with multiple profiles.

update 2022.04.01
Trimble Access 2017+ does not support staking out directly through a LandXML file. You have to use Trimble Access Define/LandXML to create an RXL file so to use this for the stake out.
The LandXML file can have multiple alignments with multiple profiles and also multiple sets of cross sections  eg asfalt, earth works etc. You can create a single RXL for each set of cross sections.
BUT...if a profile is not created from a layout then this profile is ignored and if it is the only one then also the sections are ignored!
LandXML profile has to be of type <ProfAlign> not <ProfSurf>.
To transform a profile based on surface or file to a layout type follow the links at the end of this post.

Trimble Link
There is no way to directly export an alignment with its profile.
Alignment Export, exports only 2D, not profile.
The only way to export it is through Road Export. BUT, at least a dummy corridor with an assembly with just a MarkPoint must be created.
While exporting a message that no surface exists is shown but the alignment and its profile are exported.
The format of the exported file is the Trimble's native RXL. So only one alignment per file with only one profile, the one that creates the dummy corridor can be exported.
The great (and only one) advantage of Trimble Link (compared to Leica whatever method) is that the supported profile types include profiles made of file, by layout and surface. I have not tested for superimposed or other types.

Update 2016.10.07 : Trimble Link for C3D 2017 supports alignment and profile export.


Leica X-Change
Multiple alignments with their multiple profiles can be exported in a single Job as multiple layers!!!
But the only supported profile type is Layout!!!
In case there is not a Layout profile no warning message takes place.
In case no profile exists for an alignment then no plus signed button exists by the alignment name.
In case at least one profile exists then this button exists. BUT if the profile is not a Layout type then although the plus signed button exists there are no profiles available for checking!!! This might mislead you that your profile is checked!
Leica X-Change Layer naming
Each alignment is named with a prefix ALx where x=1.... follwed by a space character
If the alignment has no profile then the alignment name itself is used for the rest of the layer's name.
If the alignment is exported with a profile then the rest of the name is the profile's name so beware of Civil 3D profile naming!!!
Also if alignment is exported with multiple profiles each profile is set on a seperate layer with its prefix followed by the profile name.

Leica LandXML import to alignment
Suppose a single file Civil 3D LandXML export with lots of alignments and their profiles.
Simply the worse way to do it.
Only one layer is created.
All alignments are considered as Lines of this layer!
To work with a Line (alignment) user must enter the Road Job, Data, Edit and change the center line to the desired Line.
Multiple profiles are ignored. Only the first Layout type (LandXML ProfAlign type) is imported.
Lines are named by the Alignment names and only.
Things are even worse when an alignment has Sample Line Groups. When importing then all alignments are ignored except from the first alignment that has SLG. The prompt is for the sections this alignment owns. But finally no cross sections are imported. Alignments are exported as a single layer's lines.

When working with Leicas beware of the Alignment and Profile naming if multiple ones exist. Or else user will not be able to select the desired Layer or Line.
Since Trimble native RXL files include only one Alignment and Profile, naming is not crucial. Just be careful of the file name.
But if a LandXML file is used with Trimble then naming is also crucial.

Turning profile type to Layout
Below is a post mentioning the workaround for turning profiles to Layout type...

Saturday, 9 January 2016

Civil 3D 2014 custom subassembly : Pilecap with extension option

2017.01.11 link update

It has an extension option which...
...can be set inside or outside.
..can also have different widths on top and bottom.

A cheat value might be set so that points are not exactly over each other so that a predictable surface can be created for Trimble Link or Leica X-Change export the points in the correct order.

Below is a link to a simple pilecap.
