Sunday, 12 June 2016

MS Visual Studio NET : Civil 3D and custom references copied local

There is no need for Civil 3D DLL references to be copied local and they should not be.
But other custom DLLs, that are referenced by custom Civil 3D DLL, should be.
Or else when in Civil 3D custom Civil 3D DLL is loaded but no command is executed.
A Line Editor message informs that command is unkonwn !!!

About 64 bit debugging and Edit & continue...


Civil 3D net Corridor Baseline Regions getting Applied Assemblies tip

Each corridor baseline region has its own applied assemblies. One for each corridor section.
I thought that all of them point to the same assembly. So i always used to get only the zero index one.
Each baseline first region zero index applied assembly always exposed the correct assembly.
But i noticed some of the rest were wrong.
I found the reason.
If a region has the same starting station with the previous one ending station (up to 2mm difference) then the first applied assembly, the zero indexed, points to the one of the previous region!!!
So i had to check the items.count of applied assemblies. If more than one then i get the index 1.

Notice : C3D 2012 API did not expose the Region Name. C3D 2016 API does expose it. It was time for the autodesk to do it. So simple.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Civil 3D custom assemblies migration

I exported my custom assemblies palettes.
I imported them to another machine.
I tried to enter them in a drawing. Nothing happened. Not a single message.

I found that custom assemblies are nothing else but drawings that include the assembly exported!

Palette xml code points to the AECCCONTENT_DIR of the current Civil 3D version where those drawings are stored.

So those drawings must be manually copied to the other machine or to the other AECCCONTENT_DIR .

A typical location of AECCCONTENT_DIR is set to directory C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2016\enu\Assemblies\ ...

Damn! Too many actions for machine migration and even worse when version migration.