Wednesday, 9 January 2019

Adding keyword handling to AutoCAD .NET’s GetSelection()

Using the COM interface for AutoCAD objects from .NET

Autocad NET programming : ObjectBrowser documentation error : Selection filters

All the selection methods are documented at the object browser with FilterType as Object. It does not work. FilterType must be declared as Short().
eg SelectionSet.SelectOnScreen(New Short(){0},New Object(){"AECC_PARCEL"})

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Civil 3D : Survey : Mass move SurveyPoints

I had a case of a survey that had some points at wrong elevation. The GPS pole height was forgotten to zero elevation.
So i had to change the SurveyPoints elevation. Minus 2m to the elevation of some points.

I unlocked all the SurveyPoints.
Then i selected the desired ones through a SurveyQuery.
Finally i moved them using native autoCAD command Move.
Points were moved. And changed their properties to CoGoPoints! SurveyPoints maintained their original coordinates!

If doing this one by one using either the SurveyPoint editor or by simply dragging, Survey property is kept and coordinates change. Mass move through native autoCAD commands has no effect.

So i had to make the mass changes, export all the points, delete previous import event, CoGoPoints, Survey Points&Figures and finally reimport.

Yet another Civil 3D issue. It is obvious that there might have been lots of manual corrections to the SurveyFigures due to mistakes when surveying. All of them should be done again.

Why such a dummy way of thinking autoDESK ?

Same day found a workaround.
Make a dummy SurveyNetwork
Right click on it, select SurveyCommandWindow
Type MOD ELS BY PtStart PtEnd deltaElev
eg mod els by 35 142 -2
Modifies elevations of point 35 to 142 by -2
At ToolSpace Survey right click SurveyPoints and select Update.
AutomaticUpdate SurveyPoints does not work!!! Has to be manual after this modification.
Next to this a ProcessLinework has to be done also for the figures to update.