Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Civil 3D workaround : Corridor Surface Boundary "Add automatically" option not showing although it should

So you have a corridor made of sub assemblies that should expose one or more codes for adding boundaries automatically but this option is not offered although it should.

Watch for locked layers. Assemblies, alignments, profiles, targets, superelevation views, surfaces whatever may be related to the corridor and its surface.

If all unlocked then check this.
Set boundary to Corridor extends.
Rebuild corridor and watch the Event viewer.
If there is a warning that "could not apply mask (0) to corridor due to crossing polygon" then try this.

Set Corridor frequencies to another much larger value.
Now the option for Adding automatically should be available.
Select the desired code.
Apply and rebuild.
Reenter corridor properties and change frequencies back to the previous values. Apply and rebuild.

Add automatically is still available and everything is working fine.

Yet another workaround.
Autodesk is unintentionally training our brains to prevent failure due to aging. Or maybe our brains are about to get burned because of all this over the years searching for workarounds, tricks and things like these trying to make their software to work as expected.
We should also not neglect all those extreme feelings of frustration, surprise, anxiety, desperation and finally...triumph that comes with situations like these.

Friday, 1 March 2019

Civil 3D tip : Multiple corridor link codes. Material area fill styles priority.

Suppose a corridor link has multiple codes.
When assigning a Code Set Style that uses more than one of those codes to set a Material Area Fill Style only the last by order code entered is applied.
All others are ignored.
I am talking about the order the codes are declared by the user... the original autodesk sub assemblies, wherever this is possible and subassemblies created using SubAssemblyComposer.

No matter what the transparency is or if it the hatch is solid or not.

Civil 3D "bug" : QTO material list gaps. Application freezing

I had a case of three similar alignments in the same dwg.
I had to set multiple gaps for the QTO material lists.
First alignment everything worked fine.
Second and third one and by the time i applied whatever gap the application freezed.
No matter what i tried i always ended up to an eternal loop which would set the particular CPU core to work at its maximum endlessly.

I was entering the gap stations by hand. I typed them. One by one. For every alignment.
Trying to set stations to other than those of the sample lines obviously did not work. Only sample line stations are accepted. I tried to bypass it doing a graphical selection. You are only allowed to select sample lines. Not stations. So i entered all gaps graphically. And everything worked fine!!!

Still have not figured out why everything worked fine for the first alignment since i also typed by hand all stations.

Autodesk give us a break. I lost seven whole hours of my working time trying to find a solution. One step before going crazy. No solution over the internet or the Civil 3D forum. I was off time for the deliverables. My supervisor thinks i am slow and i lack of knowledge about this software. For God's shake.