Monday, 25 May 2015

Subassembly Composer : Info : Workflow>Switch

Switch values are always strings.
So in case of number switching, visual basic's ToString must be used.
When entering a Case value you must NOT use quotation marks. It is always considered to be the string container value.

eg Switch value (DoubleValue).ToString(Format"0.00")  -> "1678.56" for a double value of 1678.56138
     Case value should be set 1678.56 NOT "1678.56"

If you use quotation marks no error is reported. SAC supposes that you refer to visual basic's string value ""1678.56"" !!!

Saturday, 23 May 2015

Civil 3D Survey : Bug : Insert traverse into the drawing

Right clicking on a traverse node in the tree list in the survey tab and selecting "Insert in the drawing" does nothing.
To make it work you must right click at the traverse table next to the tree list view.

Obviously a bug.

Civil 3D Survey : Tip : Least Square analysis error message "System error : could not invert matrix" workaround

In some cases when performing LSA solvation fails or produces some, not all, abnormal ellipsis errors.
I get a message "System error:could not invert matrix".

In this case you must not perform the analysis in one step through "Perform analysis...".

You can do it step by step.

First "Create input file"

Then "Edit input file".
Propably there will be some "Distance std error" that have no sense.
You can manually set them to a logical value.
For example i had automatically generated, some not all, values of...500000000000000.0000 (!!!) and i changed them to 0.0050.

Then save the altered file.

Finally "Process input file". Now it will propably produce no error messages and error ellipsis will be normal.

Survey database is not automatically informed if used those steps. So for the results to reflect in drawing and data a final step is required "Update survey database".

Remember that before all those steps if there is a previous not adequate adjustment it should be first reset.

Not only user must learn how to use properly the software but must burn his mind to find workarounds.

Too many hours lost in learning, testing, exploring options and searching for workarounds.

Civil 3D Survey : Tip : Network tree list Traverse node...lost...and found

Strange (meaningless) bug...

I created a new network in a survey database and the option for a traverse was not there!!! I closed the database, i reopened it and...voila!!!

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Traverse data filling

I enter survey data for a traverse.
Then i create it.
After entering the very first station all other data is filled automatically!!!
And if there is only one path to create it then the filling is correct!!!
Good intelligence!

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Changing observations after adjustment that updated survey database...

A traverse adjustment took place with the option to Update survey database checked.

Then if you enter an existing observation and try to change it, you will be allowed to do it.
You will even be allowed to press the save-apply button.
But all data will remain bold. This should not happen. It means that database was not updated. Although values seem to be changed.
Indeed if you exit and renter no change was kept. But also no warning message was ever shown!

So you must first reset adjusted coordinates through right click on the control points of the network and only now it is possible to alter observations.

Bad intelligence. There should be a warning.

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Survey point identitification

Unfortunately there is only one way to manipulate survey points.

Integer numbering. Not naming.

In case of Survey Command Window refering to point is possible only through its number.

In case of tables it is possible to use its name. But after entering it it alters to its number.

Also creating a new point through Survey Command Window you can only assign number and optionally a description. Not a name.

Civil 3D Survey : Critical Tip : Case of foresight measurement to an existing control point

If survey data is entered through Survey command window...
eg AD 112 23.7896 113.678 ,say that pt numbered 112 already exists as a control point imported to current survey database...
then you will be asked to overwrite or ignore. Ofcourse you must select ignore. Doing this control point coordinates are neither altered in control points list nor is survey points list and everything works fine.

If survey data is entered through setup and observation tables then you are not asked and overwrite takes place.
This means that coordinates are correct when viewed at control points list but when viewed at survey points list they have the observation values which is wrong.

In this case when a new station takes place for this point it will use the overwritten values!!!

A workaround trick to fix this is to open the control points table and do a minor change to eg points name. After this the coordinates at the survey points table are informed correctly!!!

Or else everything goes wrong from so on.

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Network created points and prospector's point list

If a network creates new points then those points do not exist in points list in prospector tab.

To enter them you must select which of them you want to enter and do Insert into drawing.

After doing this whatever change takes place is immediatelly reflected to propspectors tab list of points.

Also editing is possible only through survey tab commands.

Prospector tab point list icons is different for those points.

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Traverse adjustments

Traverse adjustment can be done through...

...Network adjustment (least squares)
...Traverse analysis

When entering traverse analysis there is a critical option for the user to select to Update survey database or not.

If checked then...

Adjusted survey points are ALWAYS set also as control points in network's control point list with a different icon next to them than the non adjusted ones.

Adjusted point coordinates both in network control points and survey points tables are identical.
Obviously the coordinates for those points are different when viewed through observation table as observations. Adjustment is only for the station point and its backsight azimuth. Foresight angle and distance are unadjusted. They might also different than before adjusting if station was not a control point.

Right clicking on Network control points there is an option to Reset adjusted coordinates. Doing this coordinates revert to original and so on for the azimuths.

If not reset then it is not possible to recalculate Network or Traverse that includes those points.

If you want to see the drawing of the network or traverse then you must select Insert into the drawing.

You can set the civil 3d custom (network named) object to what ever layer you want. If you readjust then updated drawing is in the same layer.
If least squares are selected then the ellipses are also drawn with the network or traverse.

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Do i need to enter a distance in every observation ?

Station observations that do not create new points may not include distance measurements. This is very helpfull when entering starting or ending traverse observations where distance is useless.

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Survey Command Window commands you won't read about in Help or Tutorial what they can do

Some basic Survey Command Window commands are...

STN 6 ...sets the current station to point number 6

BS 5 350.6789 ...sets the backsight to point number 5 with the angle set to 350.6789

For my reference and only...
AD 10 56.7816 125.879 ...creates a new point with number 10 using angle relative to whatever backsight 56.7816 and at a distance of 125.879 units.

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Entering survey data. Survey command window and batch files.

There are two main ways user can enter survey data.
1.Right click on desired Network and select Survey command window
2.Through desired Network Control points,Non-control points,observations etc.

Survey command window is the fast way to do it.
If batch file is selected then data can be entered through a simple text editor and entered on the fly.
But text file should be saved in the folder where the desired network is (a subfolder for the Civil 3D projects main folder).
Also in case of deleting a network object then all data saved in its folder is UNRECOVERABLY lost. Do not look in the Recycle Bin. You won't find anything at all!!!

Civil 3D Survey : Info : Why control points already imported are visible only in one network?

Once an import event has imported control points to a Survey Database although those points are visible to only one network table (the one declared when importing) they can be used by all other networks in this database. No need to reimport them only to set them visible to another network.

Civil 3D Survey : Critical Tip : I enter the correct survey data but angles, distances, everything is presented wrong.

One step before entering survey data.
Setup Equipment data is critical.
Watch out the angle direction and units, the distance units, corrections and slope or vertical property and so on for the selected Setup Equipment.
A good practice is to setup a new localized Setup Equipment and set it as default.

Civil 3D Survey : Critical Tip : Autocad ID gives me the correct coordinates but Survey Point coordinates are different

Through Toolspace->Settings Drawing settings->Transformation whatever zone may be selected BUT apply transformation settings should NOT be checked.
In such a case coordinates values using autocad command ID are different from those when points are imported to survey database because of the transformation!!!

Saturday, 9 May 2015

AutoCAD dropdown layer list sorting

Some times layers in DropDown List are sorted and some times it does not.
Why this happens?
In case i have lots of Xrefs with numerous layers then MaxSort variable must be set to a limit that is bigger!

Leica RoadRunner TPS1200&Viva SmartWorx stakeout

I thought that when i enter a station and offset to stakeout then, what ever the actual station and offset are, the Delta Elevation result value is for the desired values.
In fact if the StakeOut is...
...X-Slope then it refers to the actual Station and Offset
...Stringline then it refers to the actual Station

I strongly wish there was an option for the Delta Results to lock on to the desired Station and Offset values. Carlson SurvCE does it. Also Trimble Access/Roads.

Trimble GPS Base-Rover link frequency and Survey Styles

Communication frequency has nothing to do with Survey Styles although its configuration is made through it!
So the user is allowed to create different Base and Rover Survey styles for different modems but it is not possible to assign different frequencies for different Survey Styles!

Trimble Link Road Export

When exporting a corridor from Civil 3D 2014 using Trimble Link, slopes are assigned this way.
If there is a slope assigned and a daylight exists then both cut and fill slopes assigned to template have this value.
If the template was made using Trimble GeoOffice or Trimble Buisness Center then it could be possible that fill and cut values were different.

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Xrefs and time to save...

When lots of Xrefs are attached or overlayed, then when saving it is better to unload them all or else it may time consuming. Time is less when they are overlayed but still too much.